February 16, 2009

Monday Minutes

Ah, it is time for the summary of our weekly adventures. Do you think it is a sign of old age that I have trouble thinking back just six days ago to what we were doing with ourselves? It is probably more likely that the daily interaction with three kids is (or has been) slowly frying my brain. In any case...

This was DH's long week which always leaves me with the bulk of the responsibility of entertaining the children. The week went fine with Noah having school and his kindergarten Valentine program Tuesday evening to keep him busy. I toted the other two kids to the 'Y' with me a few times which got them out of the house and they went along with me to Noah's school program. The husband and I even managed to workout together once or twice on his off days.

The weekend was full and busy with Valentines Day to celebrate, errands, and chores, but the kids were doing a slow burn and my nerves were growing thin by Sunday evening. They were just wild (all three of them) from the moment Noah stepped off the bus Friday afternoon until I hit boiling point Sunday evening. I snapped primarily because I had a great "mommy weekend"... craft projects and coloring, the library on Saturday, I cooked a special Valentine's dinner with pink cupcakes for dessert, a trip to the 'Y' after getting the four of us to early service on Sunday... and it all seemed wasted on them.

By the time Gwen was thrown across her bedroom floor in an all out tantrum Sunday night, I was feeling completely under appreciated and majorly exhausted as I had done all of this by myself while lugging three ungratefuls along. On top of all the running around, I spent 72+ hours trying to discipline and keep my three manic munchkins in line. For whatever reason, they all seemed intent on not listening and testing their boundaries. At least they were good when we were out and about but, the minute we would cross back over our threshold, mayhem!

All of this misbehavior and frustration came to a head last night after dinner when Noah and Gwen refused to quit messing around and clean up the toy room... yet again. I finally had enough and sent them to bed about an hour and a half early which meant no Alice in Wonderland for them. This set Gwen off! All out kicking and screaming on the bedroom floor while poor Noah was curled up in his bed stuck in there with her because I think he knew I was *done* and didn't dare set foot out of his bed.

In the end, they were let out of punishment and allowed to watch the movie. Noah was out first while Gwen got a good whooping for her display. Once she calmed down (she actually claimed her "brain hurt" because she was crying so hard), I let her out for family movie night as well. I do not know when the last time I spanked any of these kids was and I always hate how it makes me feel to reach that point. Seth had also gotten spanked earlier in the afternoon for blatantly defying me... looked me right in the eye while my words were still in the air and kept beating the furniture... after I had told him to stop. Two spankings in one day after months upon months of none.

As crummy as I feel about doling out the spankings, it seems to have done the trick. The older two were both off of school today and all three of them have been playing nicely, listening, and have been much better behaved in general. I just don't understand why it takes me reaching breaking point for them to snap back into shape. *sigh* Hopefully, they won't get it into their little heads to revolt again for awhile.

February 14, 2009

Saturday Snapshots

All things Valentine's...

Noah & his teacher after the kindergarten Valentine's program.
Gwen dressing Seth up in her Valentine's best.Gifts for daddy and the kids.Can you say spoiled?Heart shaped meatloaf that tasted better than the photo looks.Pink cupcakes for dessert.No one seemed to care that they weren't homemade.Leave it to Seth to make a mess!DH brought home flowers for his girls...Gwen'sMineWe're all so very loved!!!

February 11, 2009

Wednesday Write-Up

No book review this week. I haven't been very motivated to start the book that has been sitting on my nightstand for the past week and a half. I need to get to it since I have to return it to the library on Monday. I could renew it I suppose, but I rarely read a book in the second two week if I didn't get to it in the first two weeks. At least that has been my pattern in the past. I did read a few chapters this evening while the kids were at church and, I have to say, it has drawn me in. If all goes well, I will be reading and reviewing this book, Blood Brothers, along with The Hollow and The Pagan Stone over the next few weeks. The three books make up Nora Robert's Sign of Seven trilogy.

Movie Review: Taken

I did manage to get to the movies this week with DH (this was before date night went bad). We had a list of movies that we were possibly interested in seeing since we didn't know exactly how long dinner would last and which time would be best. As it turned out, none of those movies worked out so we decided to give Taken a chance because it worked time wise.

I am so glad that we ended up seeing this movie. It was excellent! The storyline was fantastic, there were no slow or unnecessary scenes, and it kept me on the edge of my seat. I have nothing bad to say about this movie. It is quite simply a must see! The husband and I usually have very different tastes in movies, but Taken was a definite 'thumbs up' across the board.

February 9, 2009

Monday Minutes

Let's see... What have we been up to this week? As my previous posts have indicated, I signed the family up at our local YMCA last Wednesday. We have been taking full advantage of our new membership; swimming, working out, aerobic classes, shooting hoops, and especially the childcare. Wednesday, I took the kids swimming and did a class. Friday, I did another class and DH worked out before playing a little basketball. Saturday, we both worked out (I took advantage of the free weight room introduction complete with a personal program for me to follow) and then we took the kids swimming again.

After the 'Y' on Saturday, we came home for lunch and naps before heading to the bowling alley right around the corner from our subdivision. We really should go more often since it is so convenient unlike everything else that we have to drive for. If you missed the pictures from family bowling night, you can find them here.

I spent the day with a few of my favorite girlfriends on Sunday shopping at the Premium Outlets in Aurora. I did manage to get to an earlier church service with the family before heading out for my day-o-fun two hours from home. It was a really nice day full of female bonding (we shopped for perfume, maternity clothes, handbags, all things girlie). We went out to lunch before hitting the stores and then, after shopping until the mall closed, we headed back to the house of our friend who lives in that area for a few drinks.

It has been a full week (Isn't it always?), but we were all healthy and happy and enjoyed ourselves in a myriad of different ways. I wish all of our weeks could be this wonderful and fulfilling. I am sure that we will continue to be blessed with many more fantastic days in the future and I look forward to creating and sharing each and every moment!

February 7, 2009

Saturday Snapshots

We took the kids swimming at the 'Y' today and bowling this evening. It was a full day to say the least! I didn't take my camera to the pool (for obvious reasons) and I forgot it when we went bowling. I had my phone with me so I did get some pictures, although they are not of the greatest quality.

February 6, 2009

Friday Frustrations

It is 10:30 at night, we are child free, and the husband and I aren't speaking. So much for date night...

February 4, 2009

Wednesday Write-Up

Book Review: Mommies Who Drink by Brett Paesel

Mommies Who Drink was tossed out as a book club idea with a mom's group I used to belong to. The group never ended up reading it, but the title amused me so I kept the email as a reminder that I *might* want to look into it someday. I'm on this kick of reading more and I'm starting with the random books that I've been meaning to get to (the entire series of Harry Potter books is coming up soon on my list).

I found myself blissfully entertained by this book, yet somehow disappointed. Brett Paesel basically pieces together excerpts of her venture into "mommydom". A lot of her stories were laughable, although somewhat trite. Bottom line... I've heard it all before. Yes, there is a loss of self when you have children. It happens, it is to be expected. If it weren't for the story line with her girlfriends and their Friday bar dates, the book wouldn't have been nearly as amusing.

It is a cute book and another easy read. I wouldn't advise against reading it even though I was personally left feeling like there should have been more. The ending seemed rushed to me as well which may have added to my feeling like the story didn't really go anywhere.

I went through a lot of "effort" in preparation for this movie. I had never seen Underworld: Evolution and vaguely remembered the first Underworld movie which I had watched more for my love of Kate Beckinsale than anything else. Don't get me wrong; I have more than a normal fascination with vampires which pretty much solidified that the first movie was simply "a must see". I decided that I needed to refresh my memory with the first movie as well as get caught up with the second so I could see the next of the Underworld movies.

The movies are kind of written backwards. The second movie explores the history of the first, while Rise of the Lycans delves even further. Evolution and Rise of the Lycans are pretty much on par with each other as far as quality, but they are both a far cry from the first movie. I absolutely loved the first Underworld and was disappointed that the next two didn't live up to the same standard of excellence. The absence of Kate Beckinsale in the third movie was a let down (at least for me) as well.

February 2, 2009

Monday Minutes

A bunch of the same old, same old around here. Gwen's progress report came today and I was pleasantly surprised. She seems to struggle with us when doing "homework", but she apparently taps her store of knowledge when it counts most. I'm curious to see if she will be recommended for full day kindergarten next year or if she will only need half day.

Our big anxiety right now is over contract negotiations at DH's work. His current contract expired at 12:01am on Sunday and is now being temporarily extended in 24hr increments while the union and refineries continue their talks. The last thing we want is for this to lead to a strike. So we wait with our fingers crossed...

Only other news is that I am quiting Curves. No, I am not giving up on working out... Todd has decided he wants to start working out again so the whole family is going to join our local YMCA. It makes more sense to pay $52 a month for all of us (which includes childcare) than the $64 a month it would cost for me to stay at Curves and him to join a local gym (neither of which have childcare).

Plus, there are so many other bonuses to the 'Y'... discount rate for the swim lessons we already enroll Gwen and Noah in, we can workout together (you'll have to check with Todd if he sees this as a bonus or drawback), the hours are fantastic and I can workout whenever I want (not just when Todd is home) with the childcare, and we can take the kids swimming after our workouts. I am super excited and just hope that Seth will do okay with being left in the daycare. He refuses to be left in the church nursery, but I'm hoping having Gwen with him will help.