- All food should be organic as much as possible.
- Avoid junk food and processed food.
- No food with additives and preservatives.
- No sugar or caffeine.
- Drink adequate amounts of pure water. Filtered and free of chlorine and other contaminants.
- Avoid microwaves.
- No genetically engineered food.
- Identify hidden food allergies and food sensitivities.
- Address nutritional deficiencies.
- Eat whole foods in their natural state as much as possible.
I came across this on the internet and it sounds a lot like what I am trying to do with my diet; minus the giving up of sugar, caffeine and microwaves (maybe I should buy a water filter with my Christmas monies)!
I really like the sound of this! I want to do something similar but I think I need more support so I'm considering rejoining Weight Watchers.